Coupon, Gift and Rebate Codes

At the final stage of the checkout process, you are presented with a number of payment options.

In addition to the standard Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Zip payment methods, you may also be able to save money by using either a Coupon, Gift or Rebate code.

Type Multiple codes allowed? More information
Coupon Code No From time to time, Code Camp may publish codes that allow you to receive a discount or other reward on your enrolment. These are called Coupon Codes. Only one Coupon Code can be used per transaction. If you receive a referral code from a friend, this goes into the Coupon Code box. Discounts can either be a set $ amount or a % off discount.
Gift/Credit Code Yes Gift Codes have preset balances. For example, if someone has purchased an enrolment as a present.
Rebate Code No This is a new feature built to accommodate the NSW Creative Kids rebate. Eligible families can obtain a Rebate Code from Service NSW online.

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